Syzygy Careers

Own your Career, Fulfill your Purpose

Popular Courses

A small selection of our popular courses will be available for enrollment for non-Members later in the year. 

Networking for Career Success

Networking for Career Success (available Nov 1st)

An Introductory course on Networking and the role it can play in Career Success.


The Coaches at Syzygy Careers come with decades of International experience and combine it with best practices in modern career management.


We utilize current leading edge video training and printable handouts to make career management skills and insights as accessible as possible for people in todays competitive market.


With the evolving career landscape, you can no longer rely upon your employer to take care of your career. 

You are your own brand and must actively manage your career to have an edge in today’s competitive world.

Learn at Your Own Pace

Fulfil your Purpose by Learning Modern Career Management Skills from Industry Leaders

Why Choose Us?

Syzygy Careers is a boutique organisation offering clients a variety of bespoke career management services tailored to their needs and stage of life.

Our clients are seeking a competitive edge in their career, to allow them to actulize a fulfilling life and reach their potential.

Industry Leaders

The Coaches at Syzygy Careers come with decades of International experience and combine it with best practices in modern career management.

Learn Online at Your Own Pace

All our materials are designed so that you can access it when you need it most on your individual career journey.

Own your Career, Fulfill your Purpose

We provide you with the tools and insights that will empower you to take ownership of your career in the modern competitive career landscape.

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